Cultural & International


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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    In the Christian (Eastern) Orthodox Church, Great Lent marks the forty days leading to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first day of Great Lent is called Clean Monday. Lent is a time for prayer, penance, good-will, fasting and drawing closer to God.

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    Pronounced "Rezván," this annual Baha’i festival commemorates the 12 days when Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, publicly proclaimed His mission as God’s messenger for this age. Elections for Baha’i institutions often occur during this period. Begins at sunset of the first day and ends at sunset of the last day. Bahá'í students or employees observing the Twelft

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    Beltane is the time of the marriage and union of the Goddess as Mother Earth and the God of the Greenwood. It is an ancient fertility festival marking the beginning of the planting cycle. The festival was to ensure a good growing season and a bountiful harvest. Beltane is light-hearted, joyful, and full of passion that fuels life, joy, and fertility.

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    • Krannert Art Museum, 500 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign | Main Level, West Gallery and Light Court

    Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.